Two new regulations affecting Homeowners will increase energy efficiency standards.

Every year, much of the energy the U.S. consumes is wasted through transmission, heat loss and inefficient technology costing American families and businesses money, and leading to increased carbon pollution.   Energy efficiency is one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways to combat climate change, clean the air we breathe, improve the competitiveness of ourContinueContinue reading “Two new regulations affecting Homeowners will increase energy efficiency standards.”

Abriendo Puertas para la compra de tu Casa Propia!

Los Reguladores Federales anunciaron  el martes la promulgación de nuevas reglas bajo la QRM  para promover el financiamiento hipotecario.  Estas promulgaciones  permitirán la elegibilidad  y asequibilidad de más compradores de casas, para que así puedas  hacer realidad el sueño de la Casa Propia! Nos referimos a los tan esperados cambios bajo las Reglas de HipotecasContinueContinue reading “Abriendo Puertas para la compra de tu Casa Propia!”

Opening Doors for Homebuyers!

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation is the first of six financial regulators to release the final version of the long-awaited qualified residential mortgage (QRM) rule. The National Association of Realtors applauds this action because it will make possible to incorporate rules that include a broad definition for Qualified Mortgage standards implemented earlier this year. UnderContinueContinue reading “Opening Doors for Homebuyers!”

Got Refi? Rates…better than ever

  Falling interest rates precipitated a major refinancing rally  according to the Mortgage Bankers Association’s (MBA’s) Refinance Index.  The MBA’s Refinance Index is a weekly measurement put together by the Mortgage Bankers Association, and the National Real Estate Finance Industry Association. Strong job growth, coupled with  low mortgage rates, should reflect now the increase in home salesContinueContinue reading “Got Refi? Rates…better than ever”

Incrementan las Ventas de Casas existentes

Las Ventas de  Casas incrementaron en Septiembre a su más alto nivel en un año, dando muestras de que el sector inmobiliario esta ubicándose en forma ventajosa en nuestra economía de acuerdo al reporte presentado hoy por la Asociación Nacional de Realtors en Washington. Las ventas de casas incrementaron 2,4% a una tasa anual de 5,17, las comprasContinueContinue reading “Incrementan las Ventas de Casas existentes”

Sales of Existing Homes Increase, however not enough

Sales of previously owned homes rose in September to the highest level in a year, adding to signs that residential real estate will be a plus for the economy. National Association of Realtors reported today in Washington that closings on home sales advanced 2.4 % to 5.17 annual rate, and purchases rose 1.9% from theContinueContinue reading “Sales of Existing Homes Increase, however not enough”

Cambios alentadores en el Mercado Hipotecario

 La Agencia Federal de Financiación de la Vivienda – FHFA ha estado trabajando hacia un plan para ampliar lo que muchos vemos como regulaciones y estándares crediticios  demasiado restrictivos. Los gigantes hipotecarios Fannie Mae y Freddie Mac, el FHFA regulador y los prestamistas están cerca de un acuerdo que ampliaría notablemente el crédito hipotecario alContinueContinue reading “Cambios alentadores en el Mercado Hipotecario”

Homeownership at Best!

Federal Housing Finance Agency has been working towards a plan to open what many we see as underwriting standards that are too restrictive. Mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, their regulator and lenders are close to an agreement that could greatly expand mortgage credit while helping lenders protect themselves from charges of making bad loans, according to people familiarContinueContinue reading “Homeownership at Best!”

Save on your Mortgage NOW!

Mortgage rates are historically low, and many owners have the opportunity to take advantage, but not all owners pay close attention to these numbers.   You have the opportunity to investigate the possibility of refinancing through HARP or stream line if your loan is FHA to take advantage of the historic rates.   You can analyze  what financialContinueContinue reading “Save on your Mortgage NOW!”

Boost Your Home’s Selling Price!

If you’re looking to sell your home for top dollar, in addition to “Location, Location, Location” there are some other suggestions you may benefit from, to get top dollar for your home!     As the saying goes, “You don’t get a second chance to make a first impression.” While curb appeal gets buyers in the door,ContinueContinue reading “Boost Your Home’s Selling Price!”