Incrementan las Ventas de Casas existentes

Las Ventas de  Casas incrementaron en Septiembre a su más alto nivel en un año, dando muestras de que el sector inmobiliario esta ubicándose en forma ventajosa en nuestra economía de acuerdo al reporte presentado hoy por la Asociación Nacional de Realtors en Washington.

Es un excelente momento para vender tu casa
Es un excelente momento para vender tu casa

Las ventas de casas incrementaron 2,4% a una tasa anual de 5,17, las compras aumentaron un 1,9%. En progreso tenemos cambios que vienen del FHFA y que permitirán la otorgación de préstamos con regulaciones más accesibles atrayendo a más compradores, especialmente a los primeros compradores.

De todas las compras, las transacciones en efectivo representaron cerca del 24%, por debajo del 33% en el último año. Inversionistas el 63% de los cuales pagos en efectivo 14% del mercado, cuando en Septiembre del 2013 representaron solo el 19%. Los Primeros Compradores   representaron el 29% del mercado en Septiembre por tercer mes consecutivo y las Ventas angustiadas, representaron el 10% del total de las ventas.

Estamos conscientes de que el mercado inmobiliario ha incrementado notablemente, sin embargo todavía no podemos decir que hemos alcanzamos los niveles normales. Hay mucho más por hacer.


Published by SandyFloresRealEstate

I moved to Orange County from Lima, Peru in 1986. I am happily married, have 3 kids and 8 grand kids that I love with all my heart. My goal was to become successful in this country. I knew that the United States is the land of opportunity for those willing to do their best to make their dreams come true. My parents, Luis Mora a Dental Surgeon, and Doris Olaechea a dedicated housewife and best mom for me tough me that in order to achieve my goals I had to work hard, envision a bright future, and last but not least keep always my family values above all. Ever since I could remember they have been right beside me supporting all my dreams, one by one. ​ As a former a teacher, my role has been a person who inspires and encourages other people to strive for greatness, live to their fullest potential and see the best in themselves. I am not stranger to working long hours and helping people reach their goals and make their lives changed. I decided to get into Real Estate as another way to help families to achieve the Dream of Home-Ownership. My sense of motivation and commitment toward this goal, kept me going non-stopping. ​ I am very proud of being part of so many success stories from hard working people accomplishing not only the Dream of Ownership but also learn how to invest in properties. I have always put my client's best interest as my top priority. My marketing and negotiating skills are uniquely coupled with my ability to understand my clients’ tastes and needs. It’s one of the most humbling and fantastic feelings to be able to share such a major life event. ​ I firmly believes the successful listing or purchasing of a home takes the knowledge of not only an industry but also expertise. Knowledge combined with years of established relationships in the real estate business and the community have helped me maximize my ability to make things happen for my clients.

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